Lara Healy is The Barefoot Blogger. She left corporate America in October 2013 to travel the world and pursue her passions. Her blog documents her journey through yoga, vegetarian cuisine, and international gardening. Currently, she writes on location from Blue Osa yoga retreat in Costa Rica, where she is also the volunteer gardener.
*photo credit Maria Hillier
1. Honestly, do you find it hard to stay fit when traveling? If so, what is the biggest challenge for you?
Not really. When I travel I usually shop at the local food markets, rather than eat in restaurants, so I have the ability to purchase food that is healthy and nutritious. For exercise, I to love run and I can do that practically anywhere. I also practice yoga 5-6 times per week, either by myself or at a studio. The biggest challenge of staying fit for me when I travel is finding time to workout. When I’m on the go I don’t have a standard routine, so I have to consciously carve out time each day to workout.
2. What do you think about vegetarian/vegan/raw food diets? Do you follow any of them?
I’ve been a vegetarian for 13 years and I love it. I think that raw and vegan diets are great too and sometimes I will adopt a vegan or raw diet when I’m doing a cleanse or detox. While I really support vegetarian, vegan and raw diets I do think that each person needs to find a meal plan that works well with their individual body.
3. What sports do you practice on the road?
It depends on where I am, but I always do yoga and run. If I’m near the ocean I try to swim. If I’m in the mountains I like to hike. I also enjoy biking and dancing or anything else that will get my body moving.
*photo credit Jess Brown
4. Do you think mental or spiritual side is also important when staying fit? Is meditation close to you?
I think that being mindful is very important to staying fit. I notice that if I am really focusing on each moment, then I make healthier decisions in my life. I do have a personal meditation practice, however, it changes from day to day. Sometimes my meditation is a walk on the beach, some days it’s yoga, other days it is writing in my journal. It just depends on what kind of mood I’m in. But I think that any activity that is practiced with mindfulness can be a form of meditation.
5. Your top 3 tips for other travelers to stay fit when traveling?
1. Prepare your own meals – when you rely on other people to cook your food it is easy to compromise what you really want for what is available.
2. Pack good shoes – make sure to have a sturdy pair of hiking boots or running shoes with you on the road, it will enable you to get in some cardio in almost any location
3. Drink a lot of water.
*photo credit Maria Hillier
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